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It's a clever idea, but it would need to be modified in order to be as strong as the normal Rol/Hope. But maybe, with the right changes, this will be even better. 35 cards is too big for a deck with no Hourglasses and plenty of damage. At 30 cards, it will be much more efficient and the draws will be better. Even once it is at 30 cards, you will want a third Hope. With 6-9 Rays of Light on the field from a Fractal, Hope becomes a very powerful shield and it is worth having a third so you will draw it more often. 4 Crusaders are too many because you can multiply them with Fractal. I would instead use 3. This way, you'll probably draw one in time, but they won't clog your hand as much. Since the first Fractal will probably be used on a Ray of Light, all of those Light Towers are not needed. Lastly, 3 Fractals are not enough. You will probably need 1-2 for the Rays of Light and 1-2 for the Crusaders. It will be hard to reach these amounts with only 3 Fractals in the entire deck. 5 Fractals will be more reliable, and 10 towers are the right amount for them. The 5 Fractals cost 45 Aether quanta and the Towers produce 10 Aether quanta when played, which means your Aether QI will be 35/11=3.18. While this is lower than the recommended QI of 5, it is reasonable because Fractals need to be played quickly and the mark is not producing Aether quanta. With all of these changes, you'll end up with a balanced, efficient deck like this.
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