Change phase shields to lightnings since you have artic squids to make it less quanta strained. Then -2 aether towers +2 aether pends. -1 quint +1 lobo. Could -1 NT and +1 lightning because you already have some repeatable CC and regular CC. The lightnings are versatile in targetting and make the deck run more efficiently. Also allows you to kill enemy creatures that are spammed cause they see your squids, and make it viable for you to NT an opponents tower then kill it with lightning, providing a way to quanta deny if the opponent gets a 1 tower start or smth.
Lightnings might be a good idea, but they can deal only with one threat at a time (and only creatures), while phase shields take care of most threads all at once. Quanta are indeed problematic though.
Lobo is actually not that good in this deck, squids do its job much better, but I didnt want to keep the weapon slot empty.
Taking out a quint might be reasonable, but is probly more a question of preference (do I want to guarantee that I will always be able to make all of my creatures immortal without giving my opponent a timeframe to kill anything or is the risk of drawing essentially dead cards the worse case?)
I will certainly not take out another NT; its the primary way of dealing dmg and to pull off the wombocombo you need 2 of them (though it is oftentimes better to create the
nymph first).
This deck can take 2 routes:
-The stallbreaker: Dont give the stalls a chance to touch your creatures while you can fill your board uninterrrupted. If we take this route 1 or 2 Sows would be good to ensure that we can kill the opponent before deckout.
-The antidom: Dominationdecks are designed to beat rushes, by having only slightly slower speed and a lot more CC. This deck is not affected by CC much. Lightnings would make this deck excel in this strategy; but so would dimshield unless they have PC.