Only place i could think of putting it tbh with you. Doesnt really count as duel if you only use towers to get quantum for your main element i dont think.
The blessings are a good idea though and would make it a dual deck

I did use jade shield and morning glory myself, but if i get a bad hand the jade staff has helped me get the extra turn in i need, and i just felt id rather have another dragon drawn than the shield. Dont see the point in defence if they are dead in one or two turns anyway.
Ill do it with just the light towers in the trainer see if i get better results. Thanks mate
Move to dual decks for me?
edit: I tested a few different ways of doing this. PVP i would go for the blessings, to help with oty ect. AI3, i like 6 x jade dragon, 6 x leaf dragon, 4 x toads, one jade staff and the rest upto 30 all light towers.
With AI3 not really ever going to quickly hit you with oty`s i can get 2 life quantum from one light, so i get 4/3 from a toad insted of 3/3 from a blessing and potentially quicker. Plus its one more creature for the AI to target that might get frozen ect, so i can still keep the damage up.