Ok, I know my previous deck sucks... I got lucky a few times at first, but later it lost much more often...
but it was some time ago, now I designed something much better, but still around the same idea... the way to achieve this was to concentrate on


and to include more cards I can play the moment I draw them, rather than waiting for the right moment.

http://www.screenshotdumpster.com/view/m7Gbd49250/TimeRainbow3) :timemark
So basically the idea is simple - survive for a while (sundials, gravity shields), while playing a few scarabs (they are expendable, we need only 2 to do the trick), do not worry if they are killed, at least your opponent wasted some spells to kill your cheap (2 quantum) creatures. Do not use buffs on them unless you can momentum AND quint one the same turn.
Now, the situation we want is either one momentumed and quinted scarab, or two scarabs in play and a scarab and aflatoxin in hand. Play the scarab, aflatoxin it, it has 1 hp so you can eat it. If you can, adrenaline and/or quint the cell.
Now you have unlimited food for your scarabs, nice healing, way to pump your bone wall...
A few tips: if your opponent has a nasty shield (fire shield, procrastination, ice shield) it is very important to momentum the cell. Momentum on your biggest scarab is advised, unless it is already quinted, then you may momentum a smaller one, but cell is much more important.
If you expect your opponent to have permanent control, do not play eternity until you can PA it... unless necessary, to eg. rewind growing/buffed creatures.
It is nice to adrenaline and quint a cell, but it is necessary only if your opponent has a lot of creature control (can kill all your cells, or kill a lot of them at once, or lobo them, or whatever).
If your opponent has otys, rewind them, block them with gravity shields, or block them with bone wall.
If you already have your field full and draw a new aflatoxin, you may use it on some enemy creature to lower it's hp, so you can eat it... just do not let the cells spread, because none of your shields protect well against DDoS (distributed denial of service

Things that may require tweaking - pillar count, number of cards, other shields?, some permanent control?, two eternities?, maybe some other buffs? tried it with anubises instead of quints, but too risky (in fact we only need one scarab and one cell quinted).
As for upgrading cards... works well unupgraded, but hourglasses are a priority, then death cards (a lot of

is used, but little produced), gravity cards (devouring does cost a bit, so

might be in shortage), then I guess pillars.
Upgrading scarabs might speed up your victory, but lower chances for elemental mastery, so it is a matter of taste.
Upgrading sundials does not change much... no other use for

so usually not a problem...
- black holes, earthquakes
- speed decks (unless you can sundial them, then surprise them with a gravity shield)
- big creatures with momentum
- ...