I was tinkering with the concept of making an anti rainbow deck.
And like everyone agreed, gravity is going to be the best element to do that.
But to be honest, my mind isn't fixed on the deck I've made, and I would like some feedback and guidance on making a better one.
Strategy? You save up gravity and aether qunatum for the nymphs, then quint them, and then you procced to sap the enemy's quantum while your chrager's kill them.
Also note, that I only put titan in there because I love the boost it gives to my dmg.
From what I tested, it is remarkably effective against top 50 and stands a very good chance against ai5 and 3.
It will keep rainbow and trio decks pretty locked and unplayable. But it does have a standing chance against mono and duo decks aswell, just not as much.
Also I would like to add a little note.
While going against top 50. jmizzle completely destroyed me with his Discord deck.