Hello everybody! I'm a new player, Spanish speaker (so sorry for any mistake), and I have a few questions that hopefully you can answer.
I started as a Water elemental. Got crushed at AI2, so I considered adding some Death and focusing on poison with Arsenic and Chrysaora. It was more successful, but AI3 and rushing AI2 still were too difficult to beat. Later I turned to the dark side, but the darkness bugs were even worse at beating offensive enemies. So now I ended up with a Life-Water deck, enjoying Forest Spirits with a fair success at AI3 (about 2/3). So, the questions are the following:
- Is this deck worth keeping, or will it be useless against stronger enemies? I haven't sold nor upgraded any card yet because I can't decide which element is the best for the future. I don't want to regret anything! This is my deck and all the additional rubbish I have accumulated this far:
- Ideally, I'd like to play defensively, and I liked poisons too. Yet a defensive strategy seemed completely useless when compared with an average offense. Which would be a good element combination for this purpose?
- My brother plays this game too and uses a mono-fire deck. Rather hard to beat even though he uses a simple rush strategy. Phoenixes are the main concern. What would be the best strategy against such deck?
- Is there any way to obtain rare cards part from the oracle? An Artic Squid seems to be a must have for a good Water deck, yet obtaining a specific rare card through the slot looks almost impossible.
- All considered, what should I upgrade first? If I am to stick to Water, Ice shields seems to be a good start.
Thanks for your time.