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New Idea... Chaos Rewind creature control https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8053.msg90830#msg90830
« on: June 14, 2010, 12:44:17 am »
Since I didn't get any feedback from my last rainbow (I figured it was beyond help), I started playing around with an idea I've had for a while.

Code: [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6ts 6ts 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 6u6 7jp 7jp 7jp 7k0 7n2 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q4 7q4 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q8 7q8 80h 80h 80h 80i
The basic theory is for mass creature control giving you time to set up your offense. You mutate/rewind the enemy creatures, filling up their deck with unplayable creatures. Then when they are unable to play,  you have all the time in the world to mutate your RoLs.

Obviously this wouldn't work against Rainbow or rush decks (although I managed one win against Phoenix). But it works surprisingly well vs. mono/duo decks in AI5/T50. I don't know why, but it also works against chaos/Nova decks.

That is, when it works. The main issue I run into is by turn 4 I have one side of the equation set up but not the other. Unfortunately this only works when you have a Druid AND an Eternity (or at at least a couple of rewinds) ready.

Any suggestions to speed it up?


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Re: New Idea... Chaos Rewind creature control https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8053.msg90918#msg90918
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 02:24:46 am »
I'd focus the idea more. If you want to use anubis for quinting, then take either 5 anubises (to be able to play 2-3 in case 1-2 get killed/mutated) or some anubises and quintessences to quint one when you play it. Take more eternities (4-5) and fallen druids (same number) to get the combo up ASAP. If your opponent gets too much damage out too early, you won't be able to mutate+rewind all the creatures before dying. my advice is to simplify as much as and wherever possible. You only need one photon and one fractal for end-game damage. Take quantum towers instead of amethyst. Drop the rewinds, you have eternities! If the quitnessences are for the anubis, take 3/4 of each, so you'll have one of each.

I assume the second (mirror) shield is to counter enemies with direct spell damage. Smart. Other than that, I'd recommend more flying weapons, eternities, and fallen druids. Your combo is only deadly if you get it up before your opponent can develop too much. After that, it's mostly just annoying.

Good job, nice deck :D


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Re: New Idea... Chaos Rewind creature control https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8053.msg91147#msg91147
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 09:02:02 am »
Firstly I suppose this is an anti FG. Now I'm starting to wonder what are the quantum towers and amethyst towers doing there--yeah you need a fast druid if possible for the rewind mutant shutdown, but otherwise...? And 3 RoLs...I don't need 3, I just need one to fractal, or at most two. Oh I see now, you need the quantum towers because you have no  :aether to afford all the quints. And  :life for the mutations.

Let me have a go at streamlining this:

-2 quantum tower, -2  :entropy tower, -2 RoL, -2 Rewind, -1 Quint
+1 Eternity, +1 Animate, +2  :time tower, +1 Anubis, +1 Protect Artifact, +2  :aether tower

And you end up with a 35 card deck. It looks like it would work somewhat better, a little more reliable, but I can't really guarantee you anything because I haven't played it myself of course. Hope my comments have been useful.


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Re: New Idea... Chaos Rewind creature control https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8053.msg91175#msg91175
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2010, 11:15:05 am »
If he needs four different color elements, then I think quantum towers make more sense. It may take a little longer to get the quanta, but compared to trying to balance FOUR different elemental towers, making them all quantum will skyrocket consistency.

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this https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8053.msg91192#msg91192
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2010, 12:25:05 pm »
this is ment for PVP more than likely.... ill list whats used for what
supernovas = everything, fractal, mutants, druids ext ext.
amy towers = maybe an early super nova or druid IDK not that important
Quanta tower = get things early and to pay for abilitys/ fractal
SoG = live longer/EM
Fallen druid = make epic mutations........ duh
RoL= fractal then mutate like crazy.
mirror sheild = bolt decks die to this
animate weapon = a bit useless but i guess to make a flying eternity
Time towers = pay for time stuff
turtle sheild = more defence
rewind = mutants are useless with this
hourglass = faster draws
anibus = immortal things
quint = quint anibus or mutants
fractal = RoL swarm

remove Amy towers for super novas - faster and better draws
remove  1 quint and 1 RoL and put 2 quanta towers... IDK ill test it out and fix it some more.

