Hi everyone, this is my first post. I was wondering if anyone could help me better my deck a little bit. A while ago I saw an unupped fractal scarab deck that was WAY better than what i was using back then and I simply loved the idea.
After a few arrangements and upgrades this is what I've got so far

Basically you just stall with sundials and stealing/exploding stuff untill you get enough mana to fractal a scarab and start eating your way to victory. 4 of each makes it likely to draw at least one in the first few hands. It rapes lvl5.
Protect Artifact is there to have a chance with Seism and other annoying FG. Btw It has a pretty fair Win/Lose ratio againts FG, the only ones who are very very hard are Dark Matter, Eternal Phoenix, Obliterator, Scorpio and Seism if you don't get the protect on your opening hand and/or your luck sucks and earth mana isn't generated.
I just wanted to know what you guys think and what advice could you give. I belive Electrum Hourglasses aren't a bad choice...