New deck idea:
Ramp up your max health to really high. Get singularity. SoSac.
Singularity antimatters itself to positive attack to damage you with vampire BY DAMAGING THE OPPONENT.
Essentially, kill the opponent with singularities by chaining SoSacs.
Problems: Opponent has to have more damage out than your singularities can hurt you for, stalling long enough to kill the opponent.
Seems a bit to hard to pull of for now, but perhaps new cards later might help? Or maybe just something I am missing?
Also, another suggestion for the otk deck: 6x Feral bonds, because your board is getting flooded. Won't completely save you, but buys you enough health for hopefully alternating sundials. Probably have to turn this deck into more of a stall, which is hard because there are very few ways to get your singularities to grow while not hurting you.