I was messing around with an old deck I made a long time ago in trainer for FGs (sadly it was very unwieldy, and I'm still trying to tweak it) and I got Decay. I was surprised to see I managed to steamroll him with an early Sanc/PA combo. I isolated the major cards, tested it against him using the import function mulitple times, tweaked it, and ended with this:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u8 74e 74e 74e 77i 77i 77i 7ak 7ak 7ak 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 80h 80h 80h 8pn
Fairly self explanatory. Don't play a Sanc unless you can PA it the same turn or if you have Destroy on the field - if he gets one it will take that much longer for your FMs to beat him down. Put BE on the second FM before quinting it, and destroy his dusk mantles and then his lobos (they'll be the only thing that can damage you.) Barring a lobo on the last turn before you kill him you'll easily get EM.
I had an eternity in there instead of using the third FM for pure attack, but never won with less than 6 cards left, so I decided it wasn't needed.
Maybe not as effective as the upped deck in the OP but I find it just as fun, if not more.
EDIT: Removed two towers. The deck as a whole is very effective. You could try swapping the mark to LIGHT as well, but this allows for a jade shield somewhat earlier. That one card is a killer against him. You could also replace a quint with aneternity if you find you're decking out.