Got Decay yesterday from the Oracle, and this is the deck I used (approximately, I haven't saved it):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4t3 4t3 4t3 4t3 5c4 5f6 5rt 5rt 5rt 5rt 5v1 5v1 5v1 5v1 5v1 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u2 6u2 74a 7dm 7jv 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8ps
It is based on
THIS deck. In that thread, someone wrote, that he defeated Decay with that deck, so I optimalised a bit the deck for vs. Decay, and it did marvelously! Might need some more optimalisation, but it is really effective against him.
For the strategy: Play a Dagger, fly it, and Nightmare it. Play a buffed scorp the same turn. The explosions ARE NOT FOR THE ECLIPSES! AI will play Dagger only, if there is no card in his weapon slot, so destroy his weapon, if one is out (except for Dagger, he will play a Dagger over another one, thats the point of the deck). The thing is, he will fractal your Daggers over Devourers. Once you got in the neuro, play a Nightmare every turn you can. He will destroy himself in 3-4 turns.
If you don't manage to do this in 4-5 turn, you lost the game. He will quanta lock you by that time, and you'll have no way to play anything. Might wanna squeeze in some unupped Nova, playing 2 novas enables you to play another Nightmare (1 Nova for upped) even when locked down.
Upped Reflective Shield is better than Emerald, if you have one (lot less cost), I'd even prefer it over an upped Emerald Shield. Animate Weapons aren't necessarily upped, since you will have
probably. Any of the 4 buff cards can be changed for another one, these are the 4 have upgraded, thats why I used them.
Any ideas to make it better?