Oh...that's convenient ._.
I see three solutions.
1. Nova+PA, as you said. Problems. Two extra cards to slow down the deck, two extra chances that one of them will be the bottom card. Nova would help with random quanta draining from devourers and shards though.
2. Replace three hourglasses with eternities and the last one with a time tower, then start rewinding as soon as you have three towers down. If he steals an eternity, play another one and keep going, holding back a bit when you need a holy flash. He only has four steals, so one eternity will be safe. Unless the last eternity is the bottom card and he draws all four steals before then, there shouldn't be a problem. Just keep one RoL in hand at all times, playing it only if you can rewind it in the same turn.
3. Use the same deck, but don't play eternity until three hourglasses have been stolen. Maybe even let him steal a time tower or two before playing hourglasses, so he can use them to deck himself out faster when he doesn't discard. Two eternities should allow for some leeway if you start rewinding before you're down to the last card.
Edit: Tested the third strategy.
Easy EM. He did start rewinding the RoLs at the end, but one tower wasn't enough to keep him going. I never used an hourglass.