In regards to the death cards, we only have 2 dusk and 6 steal in our vault. For entropy we have 8 pillars, 4 anti matter and 4 discords. As is, entropy is much more functional for a dual deck. To salvage we can take 12 death, 6 from the mono death and 6 from the death/entropy deck and take no entropy cards this round. Doing this will make the death cards functional for round 2 and leave entropy as is. I am basing this in a 40 card deck as that is what I am going to be using this round to avoid any deck outs, which seemed too common last round. I could be overstating the deck outs, so please correct me if I am wrong. If we take 6 death and 6 entropy, entropy would be good for a 40 card deck with 3-4 discords, some anti matters and 1 mutation but nothing else. The lycans will be no good without dark, unless we due a dual deck of ent/death with a dark mark.
For the deck with gravity/water, the water cards would only help us with purify as we have none. We have no sapphire pillars and would have to rely on a water mark for freeze, chrysoara and purify. As we already have a bunch of freeze cards, I do not see the point in taking purify right now. We already have 6 gravity pillars, 2 otys and 2 grav pulls. We can add 2 pillars and 4 sapphire chargers, or something like that to make gravity a functional second part to a dual deck again.
From the other 2 decks, I would take 12 aether cards, or maybe 9 and then 3 life pillars.