After some reconsideration i took out some cards. Having only a limited amount of cards really forced me to narrow down the amount of decks we could have since Aether and Water took up so many cards.
Virus(6) - seemed too situational
Fire Shield(2) - The cost (6) was just too much for me to think that we would be able to use this card effectively without having pillars and adding pillars seemed wasteful.
Deflag(4) - without fire shield a death/deflag deck didn't seem very strong. I figured against aether this combo would work but i think darkness splash with steals and dusk would work better. Although now that i look at the cost of unupped dusk (6) i'm not so sure about that anymore either.
ETA - Looks like we have an additional 2 days to get this done. Awesome.
I was about to post the exact same thing...
I also have doubts about hourglasses. They are rather expensive to play and use unupped, and there are no time factories in the vault. Also, unupped Otys are kinda meh. Too slow creature control that is also very vulnerable to opponents creature control. Not sure which deck you planned to use them in.
I thought 360 cards is huge. Looking at this vault, it feels very limiting now
We should probably have all decks ready before the time for vault is up to get optimal number of cards from each element.