This is the best pvp experience I had in my elements life men. jippy told almost all I think but I'll try to do it myself
Blondey you're the most awesome general I can have in my life ! Thanks a lot for bidding on me I luved beeing in your team !
Root you were an amazing lieutnant : your pvp skills helped a lot and I'll never mind you for the little misprediction you made you brung so much to the team. Just lemme ask a last favor : Win this war you really deserve it !
Jay made an awesome work, each round or almost you came with very good decks which won most of the time, you've put a lot effort in that war thanks you for that.
Jippy was an impressionnant Vault manager.. it was just unbelieavable how you've done it perfectly.. 0 error, every things done in time. You've perfectly worked here I was right when I adviced Blonde to bid on you
(he had the idea first anyway)
Agent was a very good help, you made an awesome banner and were very helpfull when it come to deckbuilding, also your pvp skills gave us lot of wins
Player helped the whole team beeing undefeated the whole event and always available for any help
Noizey you've help as much as you can, thanks a lot for that. Glad you're now fine !
Also see you in trial I guess I will go for my favourite element
You'll miss me all when this will end
long life to team