After what I just saw in the chat, it looks a type of self punishment Im sure you dont deserve.
Bad round is not your fault. Bad rounds happen to most teams, and can be a team fault, or RNG problems, or good work of opponents, etc. If its a fault, its from the whole team. If someone is not able to create better deck options (like myself), how could this person think its a fault from the one that helped to create the decks? I think the problem in this round was related to the event card, it was a new situation other teams handled better than our team, but all decks were playable, and we had almost no options. What to do? Use those Darkness cards? An option, but would still be a bad round. Create 1-2 REAL suicide decks and make others stronger? Possibly, but I would be one against this strategy (everyone, I suppose). Maybe use some decks vs different opponents, but this is always a shot in the dark. We did well, not enough, but like I said, I even dont see a fault from you or anyone on the team, just other teams handled the event card better. To me its in the "good work of other teams" category.
My earlier comment was not personal (just to clarify, I still think my deck was weak to face Zeru, but thanks God, they got the worst possible deck vs mine, lol). Now, a bad round is not personal. Guys, stop getting it to the personal side. Its a game, and we are a team. 12 teams would be eliminated, 1 would be victorious, we knew it already. What changed that is troubling you? We can lose or win, its part of the game. If we lose, the team lose, if we win, the team win. I have my part in this bad round like I had my part in the good ones. You too. If you have RL concerns, ok, we can play for the team, but dont punish yourself because you are guilty of nothing.