I've been testing with Xuru and Nume against this deck:
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 576 576 576 576 576 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5ol 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 745 745 745 745 745 745
First I tried Poisoning with control. Pots and Deflags - meh. Discord and AM - meh. Basically those chargers deal 42 unstoppable damage even if I kill them all as they are placed on the field. I dont see a good way to stall those enough for poison to do the trick (reliably).
I'm thinking I'll have to outrush them, but really not sure how yet. Lightnings + Death rush could work, but then there's OE issue, and the fact that I'd hog death cards. I havent tried grabbies, but I'm also not sure those will do the trick with the amount of CC they have.
Anyway, Gravity has access to 5 decent decks here:
- Adrenalined scorpios and mercenaries - meh deck
- Dim shield, lightnings, titan, chargers - dangerous deck. Same thing as posted above but with less CC, moar shields. This could be used against Air though
- The deck above.
- Discord/AM deck. I doubt they have Black Holes left in the vault, and I wouldnt use it against Death anyway.
- Bonewall/Arsenic deck - they can salvage 5 bonewalls and 2 arsenics. Do they have brains to field death stall against death? Doubt it. It would work great when combined with Elite Chargers though. It would be REALLY hard to outrace them with 5 Bonewalls.
Anyway, its 4AM here, and my brain stopped working. I'll think more about this tomorrow. If anyone has ideas, I'm all ears.