paradoll: (again, apologies team; I screwed up in game 5, and I literally had the win and effed it up. I don't even know how I got two wins in this matchup, much less the shot at 3)
20 nonquanta cards means we can keep five.
17 nonquanta cards means we keep two cards total.
We have so few death cards left, I think we have to keep 2 death cards. Arsenics, bone walls, dragon, or mummy, any two seem okay. We have more poisons than anything else, so discard them.
22 nonquanta cards means we keep seven cards total
If we keep the novas, we have to discard everything else that we would actually put in a grabbow, so I think that has to go.
-dump novas, graboids, lycan first, that's 10 cards gone.
-this leaves behind poisons, spiders, mummy, deflags, SoP. As much as it hurts, I think we have to dump the deflags; other than running a few off the mark, there's nothing we can do with them, anyway, now. That's 12
-I'd like to keep the shards of patience for a tinkerer water deck like we did before (I think we can salvage the tears from life) but we'd have to give up death cards for them.
discard 3 more cards from 5 poison/2 spider/1 mummy/2 SoP and keep the rest; not sure how to make that work.
light stall
27 nonquanta cards means we keep 12
-dump viruses (3), dump plagues (3), dump skull shields (3), dump miracle (1), since we have another in vault, that's 10 gone
-5 more have to go; I think that we should dump either 3 or 4 sosas. We could possibly keep one for a monodeath like we have done in the past.
-of the next 5 to dump, I think they should be from the shards, but the ratio I am not sure.
salvage the 4 nymph's tears. This gives us a tinker possibility for queen rush. We have zero use for forest spirits, and we already have 2 purifies we will probably never use outside of tinkerer queen.