from titanpad:
Possible Deck combinations to field (as of round 1)
please read my post here for deck choices:,51389.msg1100595.html#msg1100595Round 1 matchups
Death Gen. rob vs Dark6
Death2 vs Life6
Death3 vs Fire6
Death4 vs Air2
Death5 vs Water6
Death6 vs Light4
four sixes?! 6s could be an LT remember that
some notes:
We have to use all of [wings, dark, grabbow], one deck with dim shields [PUgons, fracluse], and two decks with poison [pandebonium, bonebolt, pdials, monodeath, discotek]
this is assuming we don't make mods (a 1 card mod for lightning is needed to run bonebolt and grabbow at same time anyways)
If dark vaulted purifies, they would be likely to use against rob due to his extra ups and known fondness of pdials. also, watch out for ghostmare and dark-owned healing and denial. maybe playing denial on them would be best bet in most cases. I were just thinking about using discodeck against them. it would make their denial deck too slow to reliable shut us off unless we draw poorly, as well slowing ghostmare/rush/healingsetup Pdials can be effective since stealing it just makes them in a worse condition, but i'm not sure how long the dials hold us up since if they go for life steal, fcked. pdials will be expected at some point from rob, and dark has counters to it readily available in lifegain on damage - but dials and bonewalls stop that damage/heal - life drain, and quanta/draw denial.
Using the wings deck vs life or water could be very good matchup as far as lack of fliers goes. Vs life, nuff' said.Unless life packs pc in outside element it could be very vulnerable to a dim shield play. Also, we do have a rush or two that should outrush life in most circumstances. Maybe go PUgons here? The dims may stop them good, and the stacking poison + PUgon is good way to overcome healing if they have that.yes plus the fact that if they use purify they probably wont have pc unless it is a lifebow, which would likely be too slow
wings for life.
Fire could do many number of things and mixed with the right element could counter many of our decks through outside-element healing, fire-owned cc and pc, and rush power. Unless it runs a firestall, it could be very vulnerable to bonebolt or pandebonium. Immobow also very likely. Bonebolt sunds like a good idea to me too-however, pandebonium has more long-term cc on phoenixes and grown golems.Bone bolt, or panda are the way. i think bone bolt is more reilable since they might also stall us. question is, where do we sit on their threat list this week (they could very well see aether as a target 1, and gravity and earth as potential counters to them -- other elements they face are water and time)
Air has swarm capabilities that would easily beat a bonestall. Reasonable to expect it to run a rush though, or stall with healing (if they choose to focus on trying to counter us). I'm thinking they have a rainbow in vault. Maybe the element with greatest chance for gimmicky decks - as they are flaunting their desire for a win of war. I vote for darkduo here, if the other deckchoices are maintained. agreed on dark duo.
Water will very likely use purifies against us, along with owning a handful of cc. However, their rushing options are most likely limited due to vault size. Wings deck maybe? Not sure. as long as they dont have a ton of cc within a stall, that should work well and would shut out any power of NT rush without pc Stall is risky, they might go bolt deck and that's a gg.
Light will obviously pack healing. Its outside elements will decide its deck strategy if not a mono-based stall. Perhaps expect trickery here

Unless they go PUGons with Dims shield or something, maybe a fast creature rush would be to prefer, to try to outrush their healing. Are there any good chance they may have Holy Light to fight death/darkness in their vault? most likely not, as their deck choices would be severely limited due to the element's need of outside cards to do more than stall by heals, and if grabbow was run against them, HL won't hurt as much as it would vs monodeath for example.however if grabbow is countered here, it could take needed cards through discard. We can't let that stop us from choosing a deck. And extra cards for grabbow can't be hard to salvage in other battles anyway, you are right as its target cards are found in other elements, and if it is used against one and loses that is a lost salvage chance for grabbowThey had 2 HL last war in vault, not really enough to reliably stop a death rush. The Fracluse we have is way too slow if we were gonna rush, which I think might be best.
Rush, nuff' said.
note about the above mentioned decks and possible combinations discussed for round 1:
if PUgons, bonebolt, wings, and discotek are used there is only 1 combination of 6 decks - also containing darkduo and grabbow.
for other combinations, other ideas for specific element matchups will need to be made - especially if rob wants a LT/G to use pdials (however that might be expected of rob by other teams)