vs light: You have a decent point there; the dims beat several decks that bone walls do not. The only problem might be spreading our aether cards too thin. The other thing we could do against light is gravity shield. It actually hoses every creature they have except for ray of light and crusader, and if we use plagues, we hose RoL, and if they endow crusader, unless it's titan sader, then it's too fat to attack us. We also get access to otyugh and momentum, which eat RoLs and bypass hope/whatever other shields. We could even hedge our bets shieldwise and include bone walls as well, although I'm not sure there's any point to that. (skull shield might actually be better in that regard; skulls kill small stuff and gravity stops big stuff, plus otys can nom skeletonized things)
vs gravity: I'm not sure that SoSa is all that good against catatitans, because they can OTK with catapults, but the rest of the typical pdial base is (dials, SoD) and without SoSa, I think sancs might work pretty well, although I had thought of those vs darkness, so I'm not sure if we should use it here.
vs air: okay, let's bring the fire duo unless anyone has a good reason not to
vs darkness: Definitely correct on the devourer thing. I don't know about their vault contents, but I'd bet good money that they have those decks regardless. Monodeath with bone walls actually seems fairly solid here.
vs water: Yeah, the water/light stall was up there in my mind as well; in war 5 I think it was, it was wrecking my team (entropy) all over the place. Unfortunately, silence sucks vs sanctuary, so if we think they're bringing that deck, silence is near-worthless. If we think they're bringing this deck, I think we have to go with fractal something. The only problem there is this is pretty much what I think we should bring vs light, and we have 6 fractals to go around, so 3 each if we did both. The firebolt deck would probably beat the water/light stall, if it didn't pack reflective shield (and they'd have to mindgate pretty damn well to pack that vs death).