I think BluePriest's Condor through the Lightning Storm deck is very effective.
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I made a deck with similar idea (I have a version with unstable gas and cells on my side too), but the problem is that stalling until you prepare the board is extremely hard without shards.
Please list your nymphs as well. I currently have 2 nymphs, amber and auburn which will probably be completely useless for us.
List your Rares: i have them all
Oracle is not a good friend of mine. Zero nymphs

As for rares, I have only 3 unupped Owls eyes, but 6 of all other rares. I dont think we'll need more than 3 per deck, but I'm gonna go farm those Owls anyway.
Aether: Doubt fractal will be used here. But dim shields will be more then likely.
Counter: Death/Darkness with steals?
If I was them, I'd take fractal and make a rush deck with some other elements cheap creatures that would chew through bone walls. Also, it would probably be faster than poison. I somehow think they will save shields for matches against earth and other elements that are capable of a strong creature rush.
Air: Flying owl eyes, wyrms, FFQ's, fog shields, gases, all concerns here.
Counter: What is nice that since FFQ's can't be upped we don't really have to worry about firefly's fueling gases.
I'd go with plague and poison against Air.
Darkness: Fractal/Devourers all the way i think. Steals/Nightfall/Dusk shield.
Counter: tough tough matchup here. Easy for this deck to just lock you down. BUT we have poison and arsenics so i'm guessing thats really the only way to go in this matchup. Unfortunately they have steals too so maybe an earth/death deck with protect artifacts? Not sure on this one. Although i forgot since this is unupped devourers are only 0/2 so creature control is a possibility.
I'm thinking vamp/fractal with one, max 2 steals. Darkness has 3 main decks - fractal/devour, fractal/vamp and if they get creative and make darkness/earth combo with gargoyles. Out of those, vamps seems most logical way to fight poison. If I'm right, we'll have to fight healing with dusk/fog or any shield that reduces attack by fixed number.
Earth: *sigh* how do we stop the speed decks of speed decks? I don't even think they need to get creative here. Just use your standard earth speed deck.
Counter: Some bone shields will probably help in here but i'm not really sure. Also maybe lightnings would help
This one will be tough... Earth is insanely good. We'll probably have to try to stall them with phase shields or permafrost. I dont think we'll manage to take out their creatures, and they'll keep them burrowed until bonewall is done.
Entropy: I find that this matchup is going to be tough. Discords will wreck havoc on many of the mono/duo decks. In one of my death matchups i packed 4 discords which literally destroyed his quanta. Antimatters are also going to be an issue here as well.
Counter: Explosions, low damage creatures. Possibly afla graveyard deck with explosions. Unfortunately these decks are slow.
I agree we have to go with low attack creatures, though antimatter is rather expensive card.
Fire: Versatile matchup. They can go for a stall perm control deck or use a rush deck with heavy hitters.
Counter: Reflective shields will help most likely but not sure if needed. I don't think a no creature firebolt deck will be used. Fire shields can wreak most of our decks since we have no perm control so Theo's speed poison will probably be the way to go.
Pretty much agree.
Gravity: Oty's, gravity pull, firemasters, gravity shield
Counter: well gravity shield won't be used against us since we have no creatures over 5 except for a flying arsenic. Oty's controlling the board will be tough so more then likely we need creature control. I would say a flying arsenic deck with air as splash but gravity pull would really sink this deck.
I think their deck could be Oty with momentumed creatures to avoid possible bone wall they will keep building with Otys. If not that, they wont use Oty at all imo. Plagues could shut Otys down, and then they are against bonewall. They will get creative here. We could try to go with lobo here to take care of otys and momentums, but I never made such a deck. Would be worth testing.
Life: Glitch will almost assuredly use some Light/Hope/Rustler variant. He could just use a standard life rush though
Counter: Plagues, Poison, Afla, any cheap creature control. Maybe a fire/death deck with RoF, Arsenic, Poison, couple dragons. If we use Afla or plague we probably go mono with graveyards with maybe a condor or two. Speed poison probably is a good deck though here as well.
If we dont go speed poison, I would most definitely pack some creature control here.
Light: No RoL so at least they will need to use lucerifin.
Counter: Probably speed poison
Heh, they think Death and Darkness matchups is an instant win for them. They will most certainly save Holy Flash for us and Darkness.
Time: Rewinds, eternity, sundials, for stalls
Counter: Perhaps a creatureless time/death poison stall deck as well. 5 rewinds/5 dials/2-3 arsenics/bone dragon or two to drop on last turn.
Time/Death could be a decent counter. We *could* go with Mummies. I somehow think all elements would expect poison against them lol If thats the case, maybe they wont pack rewinds, and could just use eternity for that. Mummy needs two rewinds to be places back into deck, so they might be safe on board.
Water: Squids lockdown deck, Water Nymph/antimatter deck
Counter: Plague, poison
Plague, poison it is.
Anyway, those are my first thoughts... Will update later when I think about what I wrote