Not sure why you would get rid of the plagues though. Those synergies well with the bone yard and bone shield. Add a bone wall somewhere and you could have a very nice defense together with a great offense. Good luck with your deck
edit: Do a pillar/pendulum split as shown here:,30685.0.htmlReason: Protects against earthquake and trident's destroy 3xpillar/pendulum effect.
Example: 3 pillars = dead pillars
2pillars 1 pendulum=2pillars 1 pendulum alive
4 pillars=3 dead 1 alive
2 pillars 2 pendulums= 2 dead 2 alive ^^
This can actually become game changing depending on what you draw. If you only draw those pillars/pendulums then you need as many as you can get to keep from being totally quanta starved.