Ok, Updated again.
- Only 2 stilleto, given to Kuro and Myself, Might be ok for kuro to take Arsenic instead if he has a black Nymph in his collection to swap in.
- Not enough Dusk Mantle, but I can swap your steal for 1 if you really want. Steal seems better for neutralising dissipation shield or discord but your call there.
- Plenty of antimatter for big dragons or phoenix so you can get the wolves out. Remeber not to deploy more than 1 not powered up so they cannot get card advantage with and Rain of Fire. Use Drain life and Liquid as removal or if they are low on life couple with antimatter
- Standard Novaoid deck. More muscle in yours more steal in mine.
- I could take the nymphs instead of gargoyles, which can go into kuros deck which means he can take arsenic(upped) and pass off Stilletto to Kobisjeruk. Let me Know what you 2 want to do
Opinions, tweaks, let me know so I can fit them in.
Our last 25 cards will build a nice Quaker or Stall deck if we get some good salvage.