1 fractal-dev1 discord-dev1 EQ-dev1 rainbow grabs1 mono (do we have enough?)thats all i can think of
A few points:- what about the nymphs? we still have a lot of those in our vault.- Fractal + Dim shield is probably not going to work. Even with a lot of Darkness pendulums it simply eats away aether quanta, adding the super-quanta-expensive Phase Dragon to one of them doesn't help.- 3 Time Factories + Eternity seems odd, I'd personaly thought about salvaging novas from that match, because of their versatility.I know options are limited, but it's better to get 6 good decks than 4 good decks and 3 decks that barely stand a chance against competitive decks.
Last 3 decksFractal 5 Fractal 5 Lightning 20 other (about 12 Pendulums)
Dim Shield 6 Dim Shields 3 Phase Dragons 6 Aether Pillars 15 other (again, quite some pendulums)
EQ Rainbow (?) 6 EQs 5 novas 1 arsenic 1 Freeze 1 Momentum 1 BBs 15 other