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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg196874#msg196874
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2010, 10:42:37 pm »
as it is last time, we need to finalized this early because it affect the deckbuilding part
can we get some more opinions quick? yay or nay
speak up guys

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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg196997#msg196997
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2010, 12:41:58 am »

(RavingRabbid :water)
1 x Forest Spirit
1 x Druid Staff
4 x Adrenaline

(Klaymore :air)
2 x Fog Shield
2 x Owl's Eye
2 x Liquid Shadow

(Belthazar666  :time)
5 x Graboid*
1 x Earthquake

(wizelsnarf :life)
2 x Adrenaline
2 x Devourer
2 x Vampire Stiletto
2 x Devourer
2 x Steal
2 x Vampire Stiletto

(Wizardcat :light)
2 x Golden Dragon
1 x Holy Light
2 x Mummy (or Arsenic so that our rainbow grabs can use it)
1 x Bone Wall

(kevkev60614 :fire)
2 x Deflagration
2 x Phoenix
1 x Rain of Fire
1 x Holy Light

(majofa :fire)
4 x Phoenix
1 x Rage Potion
1 x Deflagration

(Jumbalumba :gravity)
2 x Quintessence*
4 x Dimensional Shield*


(Kuroaitou :darkness)
1 x Earthquake
2 x Devourer
2 x Black Dragon
7 x Darkness Pendulum


2 x Holy Light (5 is enough)
3 x Deflagration (steal > deflag)
2 x Mummy (need a full set or none at all)
1 x Druid Staff (vamp.stilt > d.staff)
1 x Forest Spirit (lycan > f.spirit)
1 x Adrenaline (5 is enough)
2 ??
10 x Darkness Pendulum (we need as much as we can get)
2 pillars/pendulums
* = backup cards for vault
A few changes that you could make:

Salvage a Blue Crawler instead of a Forest Spirit, and DON'T convert it. Forest spirits take up too many forms of quanta to use properly, and even in a Graboid rainbow, it requires too much quanta/time for it to be putting out the damage one needs. Trios don't tend to work well in my opinion.

Ditch the Mummies and Holy Light from Wizardcat - grab 2 more miracles or 2 Arsenics, then add another Bonewall for a poison stall deck. I actually want to use :death against :air to stall against their own heavy CC tactics (Owl's Eye and Shockwave being primate examples).

So in other words, from the list above:
-1 Forest Spirit
+1 Blue Crawler

-2 Mummies
-1 Holy Light
+1 Bone Walls
+2 Arsenics (preferred) OR Miracles

And without converting any of these new materials... we lose 1 Darkness Pendulum overall.


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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197006#msg197006
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2010, 12:47:07 am »
forest spirit is only there for conversion, i have stated my opinion on how sucky forest spirit is in rainbow deck such as ours
blue crawler is 3 :water 3|3
i dont see any reason why we would want to keep that
even if we manage to do a  :darkness  :water duo with the crawler uprgaded (highly unlikely) having just 1 is odd
i say ditch it altogether

we need to convert as much as possible because as higher rounds go, each will mean more cards to discard
we need to start converting the max possible imo

edit: i like your strat against Air kuro
and having another bonewall should help a lot...unless they go firefly/hope (:air / :life / :light) route

edit2: i think :darkness :death deck from R1 could work with -1 parasite, -1 death pillar, +1 bonewall, +1 dark pend (maybe some Ls too if we salvage any from death deck last round)


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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197129#msg197129
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2010, 04:47:26 am »
my opinions: (in yellow the changes from kobi's post)
those are minor changes (most cards are gonna be discarded anyway...)
the most important change i'd make is the salvage on Klaymore, getting the 3 liquid shadows instead of 2


(RavingRabbid :water)
1 x Forest Spirit
1 x Druid Staff
4 x Adrenaline

(Klaymore :air)
1 x Fog Shield  -1
2 x Owl's Eye
3 x Liquid Shadow +1

(Belthazar666  :time)
5 x Graboid
1 x Earthquake

(wizelsnarf :life)
2 x Devourer
2 x Steal
2 x Vampire Stiletto

(Wizardcat :light)
2 x Golden Dragon
1 x Holy Light
2 x Mummy
1 x Bone Wall
2 x Arsenic
1 x Miracle

(kevkev60614 :fire)
2 x Deflagration
2 x Phoenix
1 x Rain of Fire
3 x Holy Light +2

(majofa :fire)
4 x Phoenix
1 x Rage Potion
1 x Deflagration

(Jumbalumba :gravity)
2 x Quintessence
4 x Dimensional Shield
2 x Lightning +2


(Kuroaitou :darkness)
1 x Earthquake
2 x Devourer
2 x Black Dragon
7 x Darkness Pendulum


I'd convert 12 cards to pillars (let's see after deckbuilding)

Kael Hate

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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197208#msg197208
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2010, 09:25:26 am »
Unless this ruins deckbuilds, this is what the salvage will be.
Note I have offset our losses vs gains where possible.
And the Conversion at the top is for last rounds deckbuild.

Please post if you need conversions for pillars/pendulums and get the decks into the deck build thread.

Conversion:light Holy Light-2:darkness Dark Pendulum+2
Kael Hate:life Adrenaline+4
:life Druidic Staff+1
:life Forest Spirit+1
Kuroaitaou:earth Earthquake3
:darkness Black Dragon2
:darkness Devourer2
:darkness Dark Pendulum5
Guy_Fawkes:earth Earthquake+3
:earth Graboid+3
3D House of Beef:darkness Devourer+2
:air Owl's Eye+2
:darkness Liquid Shadow+2
9270984:darkness Devourer+2
:darkness Vampire Stiletto+2
:life Adrenaline+2
Theonlyrealbeef:death Arsenic+2
:death Bone Wall+2
:light Miracle+2
kobisjeruk:fire Phoenix+2
:fire Rain of Fire+1
:fire Fire Pendulum+3
plastiqe :fire Phoenix+4
:fire Rage Potion+1
:fire Deflagaration+1
Lokiburn4:aether Lighting+2
:aether Dimensional Shield+4


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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197209#msg197209
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2010, 09:34:33 am »
i'd like 1 fog shield salvaged for my  :air :darkness deck because its cheaper (and can be added into some other deck like rainbow grabs later) but i'm ok with using 2 dusk mantle instead

other than that, i dont see any point having too much arsenic since we already have 3 in vault and only 6 poison to go along with it (can be 2 and still have 1 leftover for rainbow grabs or something)
same goes with miracle (2 is enough imo)

you didnt include what cards to convert this round

Kael Hate

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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197211#msg197211
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2010, 09:45:21 am »
i'd like 1 fog shield salvaged for my  :air :darkness deck because its cheaper (and can be added into some other deck like rainbow grabs later) but i'm ok with using 2 dusk mantle instead
Take a steal or shockwave instead. The denial is better ratio than the fog. You can steal a frost or alter shield, deny a weapon with steal or shut down damage permanently with cc. Especially vs chryosaora/squid.

other than that, i dont see any point having too much arsenic since we already have 3 in vault and only 6 poison to go along with it (can be 2 and still have 1 leftover for rainbow grabs or something)
same goes with miracle (2 is enough imo)
Nothing else to take from that pool. Arsenic can go in rainbow very easily. Miracle is going to make a mega stall deck for Kuro or myself later with sundials or dimshields. If not it converts just as easily.

you didnt include what cards to convert this round
Wait until deck build is done and then convert only what we need. We might get a pickup next round to flesh out alter decks.


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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197251#msg197251
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2010, 01:33:34 pm »
Unless this ruins deckbuilds, this is what the salvage will be.
Note I have offset our losses vs gains where possible.
And the Conversion at the top is for last rounds deckbuild.

Kael I really feel we need to grab all 3 liquid shadows from Klaymore, i saw you picked up 2 more devourers while discarding 2 from Kuro,
let's just discard 1 devourer and a pendulum ok? :)

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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197458#msg197458
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2010, 08:17:53 pm »
im using 5 holy lights in my deck against mrblonde.
[17:26:47] Iman00b8: Firestalls are like Jews... most people make fun of them and say this dislike 'em, but in the end they use them to make them money.


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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197564#msg197564
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2010, 10:35:46 pm »
seems like we wont be taking any golden dragon or fog shield or whatever else so adjust properly 9#
i hope to see this discard/salvage list finalized earlier but i guess it wont happen
i'll make whatever.deck last minute since thats the case

hopefully next round wont be the same

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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197566#msg197566
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2010, 10:37:45 pm »
arg i wanted those lights and dragons
[17:26:47] Iman00b8: Firestalls are like Jews... most people make fun of them and say this dislike 'em, but in the end they use them to make them money.

Kael Hate

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Re: Round 3 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=15152.msg197572#msg197572
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2010, 10:43:14 pm »
I'm in chat now. lets talk

