You have one too many cards suggested from Aether :3
Two blessings is the most we'll likely need for our Grabbows, and a mark splash with 3 Blessings would be pretty odd. In that situation, I feel it'd be best to have more creatures.
As for 5 Novas, while it's possible to run a grabbow with only 5, it usually makes the deck considerably less consistent. I think 6 Novas is easily best if we want to take a second grabbow.
For Stone Pillars, it's possible to add them in Grabbow if we want to use more Graboids and BBs, but it's another thing that would often make it less consistent, and it also forces us have less rainbow cards.
On the other hand, 3 Eternities is beginning to look like a pretty solid idea to me, especially since we might wind up running low on RTs, so we might have to move the Graboids around again to get exactly what we want.
For your discards, I think there's a lot of little things to be worked out that we'll have to decide as a team, so we need to keep discussion going. We're doing better so far this round, and we need to keep that going.