Darkness/Death: Parasite can kill your opponents creatures. Nightfall makes your own creatures stronger. Oh, and Graveyard + Eclipse equals a 4/3 skeleton every time a creature dies? Yes Please!

for Power!
Darkness/Earth: The ability to burrow, and effetively make your devourers invincible while they drain your opponents quanta, plus earthquakes to destroy your opponents quanta production. Gargogyles can also be made powerful.

for Denial!
Darkness/ Aether: Fractalled Devourers (Fractal always seems to get on these lists doesn't it?). Mass quanta denial. Mass quanta gain. And with an eclipse, you can even get 2 damage from each of these little pests!

for Irritation!
Darkness/Entropy: Lyncanthropes, 3 quanta for 6 damage unupped, and 2 for 6 upped. Whats worse than making enemies heal you with antimatter? Making them hurt themselves as well with Vampire ability.

for Humiliation!