6x devourer
6x dragon
3x steal
2x drain life
13 pillars
Meh, it's a good deck, but it's pillar count is way to high unless your going to throw in more drain lifes. If you are going for mana steal, there are better ways of doing so than mono-dark. Dark-Earth comes to mind. I suppose it would be a great speed dragon deck however. Not very creative.
Hi there,
10 obsidian pillars
6 drain life
6 steal
6 devourers
1 dusk mantle
1 stiletto
Ah, a scorch deck. Your trying to kill them with drain lifes? I'd add fire if I were you. The main problem with this deck is not every opponent is going to use obsidian pillars for you to steal, and if you can't get the quantums needed to kill your enemy, (91 if my math is right) you have no creatures and rely on your stilletto. Still, it gets mastery, and should hopefully lock down your opponent. Mark of Earth would help your devourers burrow.
4 Obsidian Pillars
5 Obsidian Towers
2 Black Dragons
6 Devourers
2 Dusk Mantle
4 Steals
1 Nightfall
6 Drain Lifes
4 Minor Vampires
1 Shard of Gratitude
1 Vampire Dagger
If I were you I'd thin down the deck. Dark, as an element, is good at lots of things. It's got creature control, permanent control, quantum control, vampires, scorch cards, you name it. But your deck is trying to combine quantum control and lifelink, which might not work so well. If you thinned it and went for just one of those two it would work better.
Just a tip, never ever use a dragon alone in a deck. In a good deck, every card builds off of every other one to meet a common goal. Unless you have a combo in mind, dragons are just high expense cards.
mine is:
12 obsidian tower
3 obsidian dragon
6 devourer <-- still not upgraded 
2 eclipse
2 imp. dusk
2 imp. steal
6 syphon life
6 vampire
1 vampire dagger
Take out the dragons unless you're going to vampire them. It's a good vampire deck, and the best mono deck that's been posted. You might try duoing it with light or life, to try and adrenaline or bless your vampires to make them stronger. I'd recommend light, adrenaline works better with unupgraded vampire decks.