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I wanted to post my Mono Darkness deck because I have great success with in Silver League and saw that yours is very similar so I thought I'd share it here

Main differences are:
I have less Towers/Pends and added Cloaks and Nightmare instead. I also have less damage sources (-1 Eclipse -1 Dagger but more PC).
I guess the balance is a personal choice as well as to pack how many of each card.
My card choices probably lead to a slower start but I guess that it's worth it given that in Silver you are in a disadvantage of HP anyway.
So anything that slows down the enemy is welcome. SL + Nightmare --> more healing and draw denial || Cloak --> Vampires survive --> More healing.
For me, this works great in Silver league.
I can destroy the Double Draw with Nightmare.
Cloak gives me Otyugh, EE and Lobo protection.
Devourers and Steal can often destroy the enemies quanta supply, especially in early game when not many towers have been played.
When facing rushes heal cards should be played asap, like SL and Vampires where SL also deals as nice CC (rushes often have low hp creatures).
Having many steals and Devourers early can often help to slow the enemy down a lot by stealing his pillars, so there's not always a need to use them for shields or weapons especially since you have those yourself. That's how I play against Mono

. If I can block him by stealing towers and playing pests I do so. Otherwise I stall by stealing Lobos and Shield and try a mid-to-late-game comeback with Vampires. Meanwhile devourers are decoys for lightning.
When facing

I'd save SL and Cloaks for Otyughs, if you don't encounter them there's not much to worry about. Ghostmare is countered by stealing

towers early so you can play ghosts yourself. By reducing his quanta supply you might want to Nightmare a Ghost yourself and get revenge. Otherwise SL can prevent the enemy to Nightmare his ghost again (unless he has more than one).
I have the hardest time against Rain of Fire (mass CC is dangerous)... Mono Aether also isn't very easy but often doable. I haven't encountered much poison yet but I guess that with the denial of steal and pests you should be able to slow the enemy down enough and be able to outheal the damage so far received.
I guess that's it