Nice card idea Krzy! I'd like to mention though just a few things: The passive ability (since it doesn't require any quanta to be activated) seems to me as pretty strong compared to Guardian Angel's for example with the only difference, of course, that it can't be applied to another creature. The active skill on the other hand is a combination of Ablaze and Momentum, requiring only 1
which also seems OP even if it's not a permanent ability. I don't think there's any other creature card in the game combining 2 skills in 1 with such a low cost. The summoning cost however is high, making it the 2nd most quanta expensive light creature card so it's kinda balancing the card's power. I'd suggest therefore reducing the cost by -1
and increasing the active skill's cost by 1
Thanks for the suggestions nireus

I can't agree active skill is OP, unsoppable costs only 1

and gives creature +1/+1, permanently... Paladin's skill lasts only one turn and gives +2/+0 instead of +1/+1 so it's practically the same. My logic was also actually not to force

duo, but give possibility to hit at least once through a shield (for example final blow) with nova...
I also don't want to abandon healing idea as without this, the paladin theme seems incomplete to me

Thus, I don't want to decrease creature cost as well, in order not to make this creature OP.
Of course I'm open to further suggestions and I may change my mind if I get more feedback.
You may also comment on my two more recent earth cards, if you wish of course,
Mud Cannon and
Mud Eater as I appreciate your feedback a lot