This is a normal battle screen. First of all, know this:
Bottom half = you.
Upper half = your opponent.
Let's see everything you see in there:
1- Your creatures and your opponent creatures. The creatures are played in the big rectangle on the middle. At first you only see the card art and abilities, but you can see the full card hovering them with the mouse. When the ability is rounded with a right rectangle it means you can use them.
2- Your pillars and permanents as well as the ones for your opponent.
3- Your HP (green bar, numbers on top), amount of cards left in your deck and how much damage the opponent will deal you in the next turn (if nothing changes). Purify counters, poison and neurotoxin appear here too. On the other side you have your opponent's information.
4- Your and your opponent's quanta pool.
5- Your hand and your opponent hand. The white stripe at the right of each card of your hand indicates it can be played
6- Yours and your opponent's mark
7- Shield and weapon slots.
8- Cards your opponent is playing, as well as abilities being used
How to playAt the beginning of the game, each player draws 7 cards from their decks. In your turn you play the cards from your hand and use the skills of your creatures and permanents. If the creature or permanent in your field has a colored rectangle on it's ability, it means it can be used. Then
PRESS SPACEBAR or click in the "End turn" button to finish your turn (9).
Your creatures and weapon will automatically attack your opponent, and his HP will be reduced by the amount of damage dealt. Finally, your pillars and pendulums will generate quantum.
After that, your opponent starts his turn, same as you did before.