Bloodletting has now made for a very interesting voodoo deck... not OP as far as I can tell, but surprisingly effective (probably needs lots of tweaking still).
For a pure unupgraded it eats mages pretty well
4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4tf 4sg 4sg 4sg 4sg 4sg 53g 53g 53g 53g 53f 53f 5ci 5cj 5c6 5c9 5cg 5lj 5lm 5lk 5ls 5li 5v0 5v0 5v0 5v0 5v0 5v0 5uq 8pt
With a full field of dolls, you can OTK mages with 3 - 4 bloodlettings... possibly OTK champs and FG with a full 6...