+1-36 quanta dealing only 1-36 damage and giving the opponent 1-36 quanta is UP.
Supernova + White Hole + Black Hole
Cost: 2
+ 4
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+3 cards
Cost: 2
+ 9
+ 3 cards = 15q|13q*
Effect: Generate 2quanta of each type (
already accounted for), Expel 2-3 quanta of each type (3
, 2 of everything else = 25quanta), Deal 25 damage, Destroy 2-3 quanta of each type (~25 quanta), Heal X hp
Net Effect: Deal 25 damage and Heal X hp. X~25
So for a 15q|13q effect [Think 14
+1card] you drain 25 hp from your opponent.
UG + Heal is 6
+ 3
for Drain 20 and some CC. That is 14q|12q for drain 20 and CC
The CC is worth ~3q based on Thunderstorm.
So for a 11q|9q effect you can drain 20 hp from your opponent. (5/4 x 11q = 13.75q estimated cost for draining 25hp)
In conclusion White Hole is drastically UP and is slightly UP when combined with Supernova and Black Hole.
*q=Total cards + Total quanta + Types of quanta.