Do you get to choose or is it random which equipment you get?
I'm not really a fan of mercy. You can get it out within the first two turns with only 4
, and it'll chop your opponent to a tiny shred for you to finish them off. That's a rush almost as fast as shard golem.
Although Mercy requires you to pack PC to allow you to kill your opponent.
Or you can pull off an OTK when they hit 40 hp. Hm. I think I read mercy wrong, I thought only it would stop attacking once your opponent hit 40. But either way, I'm sure you can splash in deflag.
You choose which equipment by selecting your shield slot or your weapon slot.
-If you select your weapon slot, you get Mercy.
-If you select your shield slot, you get Justice.
Mercy prevents
all cards from lowering your opponent's HP below 40, so you can't simply OTK unless you Deflag it first or replace it with another weapon. (On a related note - if your opponent PAs Mercy he's indestructible by battle unless you bought a different weapon.)
Procrastination delays them every other turn.
Justice has 1 dr and half delays them every turn. Wow. basically full field lobo of everything that has attack.
2 or more attack, you mean. To be fair, abilities like a Warden's Guard can still come into play and creatures still deal damage. (It's also a good way to prevent things like those pesky Shriekers from burrowing so you can kill them off before its too late. Adrenaline/Momentum/Wisdom still work as well.) Most of the more common methods of PC (Explosion, Steal, Pulverizer, *cough*SoF*cough*) will not be stopped by Judgement either.