True in most cases, but keep in mind that, barring extraordinary SoSe, a 6Eternity/6Sanctuary/6 PA 60-card deck can still be outdecked. A deck with two of these, however, needs only a single PA'd sanctuary and then it cannot be outdecked.
Both need a PA's pillar stack (4 pillars > 2pillars).
Both need a single PA'd Sanctuary.
Eternity uses 2 Eternities (to prevent eternity being the last card) + 1 photon + 1 PA
UH uses 2 Unstable Hourglasses.
Eternity: 3PA + 2 Eternity + 2 Time Factories + 1 Sanctuary +1 Photon = 9 cards
UH: 2PA + 2 Unstable Hourglasses + 4 Time Factories + 1 Sanctuary = 9 cards
Both can be outdecked by 1 method: Shard of Bravery.
Eternity can also be outdecked by Antideckout + Voodoo Doll + Freeze.