Why... why would I ever want to use this???
Why... why would I ever want to use this???
seems not usefull to me... just a waste of quanta
It is actually fairly flexible and could be very useful in a number of situations.
1) Defensively:
-Summon an off element creature (move it from hand to urn, then urn to field)
--Expensive, but may be worth it in some cases.
-Effectively "Rewind" a creature to remove debuffs without clogging your draw
-Extend your effective field size for effects like empathic bond, swarm, and hope shield
-Protect creatures with a useful passive trait (salvagers, quanta producers, etc.)
2) Offensively:
-Remove buffs from an enemy creature e.g. "rewind" like effect
-Prevent enemy creatures from attacking or using abilities until the urn is destroyed or you decide to release them.
So basically -

a permanent based stall effect

a means to summon in any off element creature (for a fairly hefty price)

a means to purge effects from creatures

a way to extend its field size for use with empathic bond or similar effects.

a way to move creatures from one field slot to another