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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: OdinVanguard on November 19, 2013, 10:02:04 pm

Title: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: OdinVanguard on November 19, 2013, 10:02:04 pm
Timeless Archive
2 :time

:time : Store target card from hand or return stored cards to hand top first, discarding any extras for 5 max hp each.
Eternal Archive
1 :time

:time : Store target card from hand or return stored cards to hand top first, discarding any extras for 5 max hp each.


Created using Inkscape and GIMP
"Take your time today"

"Everything that manifest has a beginning and will one day have an end, but an idea can persist from generation to generation. Unlock your creativity, record your ideas for posterity, and you can reach for the eternal."

Essentially, this card lets a player extend their effective hand size, allowing them to store additional cards when they would otherwise have to discard them.
It can also be used as a small healing over time boost in a pinch.

Mechanically, when activated, all cards in the players hand will show as targetable. Additionally, if there is at least 1 card stored already, all empty slots in the players hand, and also the players HP bar will show as targetable.
-If the player targets a card in hand, it will be stored at to the top of the archive's stack.
-If the player picks an open slot, the cards stored in the archive are returned. The topmost cards in the archive stack are returned first (i.e. the more recently stored get returned first).
-If there are more cards in the archive than will fit in the owner's hand, then any extras automatically get discraded. Each one that is discarded will give the player +5 max HP

Discard effects (e.g. GotP) will be triggered if a card is discarded for max HP.

If an archive is destroyed, all stored cards are considered to be discard, but no max HP will be gained... So caveat emptor ;)


Timeless Archive
2 :time

:time : Store target card from hand or return the last stored card to your hand, or discard it to gain 5 max hp.
Eternal Archive
1 :time

:time : Store target card from hand or return the last stored card to your hand, or discard it to gain 5 max hp.


Created using Inkscape and GIMP
"Take your time today"

"Everything that manifest has a beginning and will one day have an end, but an idea can persist from generation to generation. Unlock your creativity, record your ideas for posterity, and you can reach for the eternal."

Essentially, this card lets a player extend their effective hand size, allowing them to store additional cards when they would otherwise have to discard them.
It can also be used as a small healing over time boost in a pinch.

Mechanically, when activated, all cards in the players hand will show as targetable. Additionally, if there is at least 1 card stored already, all empty slots in the players hand, and also the players HP bar will show as targetable.
-If the player targets a card in hand, it will be stored at to the top of the archive's stack.
-If the player picks an open slot, the topmost card in the archive stack is placed in their hand.
-If the player targets their HP bar, the topmost card on the archive stack is discarded and they gain +5 max HP

Discard effects (e.g. GotP) will be triggered if a card is discarded for max HP.

If an archive is destroyed, all stored cards are considered to be discard, but no max HP will be gained... So caveat emptor ;)


Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: skyironsword on November 19, 2013, 11:27:50 pm
... Not useful in practice. Good idea, though.
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: Jyiber on November 20, 2013, 07:34:45 pm
Really good idea, but it needs a better secondary reason to use it.
Which would be tricky to fit considering the space you used to explain it.
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: OdinVanguard on November 20, 2013, 08:38:07 pm
Really good idea, but it needs a better secondary reason to use it.
Which would be tricky to fit considering the space you used to explain it.
Hmmm... maybe I can squeeze more in if it needs a better secondary... maybe:
" :time : Store a card from hand, or either return last stored card or discard it to gain :time quanta equal to its cost + 1. "
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: andretimpa on November 20, 2013, 09:07:17 pm
An usage I can see is helping to unclog your hand before a fractal. Since this is in :time the decks that could benefit the most are ghostal and scarabtal
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: iancudorinmarian on November 21, 2013, 04:16:48 pm
I pretty much like the idea. I see nobody else thought of OTK's, did they? You can just store a card there to avoid discarding a good card.
It can be a counter to nightmare/silence as well, you just store a card there to avoid discarding, and so, you can even gain 5 hp for some cards you might never actually play.

Also, I've been thinking about this deck: (not very effective, but certainly fun)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 4vc 50a 50a 50a 50a 50a 50a 50u 50u 50u 5rs 5rs 5rs 5rs 5rs 5rs 8ps

pharaoh=timeless arhive
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: andretimpa on November 21, 2013, 04:39:15 pm
With some Supernovas this deck might actualy work.
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: foofatron on November 21, 2013, 10:54:08 pm
What if instead of discarding and gain 5 hp it was put the card on the bottom of the deck and draw two cards? You could still save the other card, but also speed up your game.
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: ChemMan13 on November 21, 2013, 11:11:56 pm
Is this a once per turn ability, or can it be reactivated multiple times? If the latter, then this would be VERY useful in OTK decks! Add two or three of these to a LS deck and you could increase the speed of the deck a lot -imagine, no more clogging of your hand with those combo cards, and no more risking having to discard. More time quanta would have to be worked into the deck, but even a 6 card increase to the slim version would be faster than the current slim version. It basically come down to how many times this card can be used per turn, but interesting concept.
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: OdinVanguard on November 21, 2013, 11:35:32 pm
Is this a once per turn ability, or can it be reactivated multiple times? If the latter, then this would be VERY useful in OTK decks! Add two or three of these to a LS deck and you could increase the speed of the deck a lot -imagine, no more clogging of your hand with those combo cards, and no more risking having to discard. More time quanta would have to be worked into the deck, but even a 6 card increase to the slim version would be faster than the current slim version. It basically come down to how many times this card can be used per turn, but interesting concept.
Originally I wanted it to be a multi-use ability, and I would have given it a bit higher casting cost to make up... but I think it may be to confusing to players to have it that way and there's just no way to fit enough words in there to explain it.
Which, is why it only costs 2 / 1 :time .

The usage in OTK decks was definitely one of the motivations for creating this card.

I suppose I could change the wording slightly so that it returns all stored cards...

E.g. maybe something like " :time : Store target card from hand or return stored cards to hand top first, discarding any extras for 5 max hp each."

Not sure if that would make this better or worse... Any thoughts on that idea?
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: iancudorinmarian on November 22, 2013, 03:01:33 pm
Is this a once per turn ability, or can it be reactivated multiple times? If the latter, then this would be VERY useful in OTK decks! Add two or three of these to a LS deck and you could increase the speed of the deck a lot -imagine, no more clogging of your hand with those combo cards, and no more risking having to discard. More time quanta would have to be worked into the deck, but even a 6 card increase to the slim version would be faster than the current slim version. It basically come down to how many times this card can be used per turn, but interesting concept.
Originally I wanted it to be a multi-use ability, and I would have given it a bit higher casting cost to make up... but I think it may be to confusing to players to have it that way and there's just no way to fit enough words in there to explain it.
Which, is why it only costs 2 / 1 :time .

The usage in OTK decks was definitely one of the motivations for creating this card.

I suppose I could change the wording slightly so that it returns all stored cards...

E.g. maybe something like " :time : Store target card from hand or return stored cards to hand top first, discarding any extras for 5 max hp each."

Not sure if that would make this better or worse... Any thoughts on that idea?
I agree with that, it would be even better and easier to use. (and even easier for zanz to program it)
Title: Re: Timeless Archive | Eternal Archive
Post by: OdinVanguard on November 25, 2013, 07:39:10 pm
Okay, the OP has been updated to reflect the new version.

So basically, it returns everything stored at once if the player targets an empty slot in their hand, or it will store a card in an occupied slot from their hand.
Any extra cards that don't fit get discarded to provide +5 max HP each.