Interesting card... I assume that it'll continue to show cards as you play them, instead of as their effects occur? If so, that's a bit like a limited version of precognition (no draw, only see the cards your opponent wants to play) combined with a one-turn advantage (you would play all your cards before playing this) for the unupped version. It would also hurt Fractal (would take an extra turn to get the copies) and, to an extent, any creatures or permanents that have a skill, like growth or hasten, that gives an advantage per use (independent of the opponent's field)
Silence is 3|2

, and
Precognition is 2|1

an extra effect (continuous version would be Golden Nymph for 8|8

and 2:time upkeep + 6/7 attack), so I would value it at 3 (one-turn advantage) + 1 (continuous effect) + 1

/turn upkeep (to keep it consistent with Golden Nymph) -1 for upkeep 1 (I think this is accurate...
Flooding is 3|2

with 3

upkeep, and freeze + shockwave is instakill for 1

and 2|1

- giving 4 (mono-instakill) + 2 (continuous instakill effect) - 3 (upkeep 3) for 4+2-3=3 for unupped) giving 3

casting cost and 1

The upgraded form, though, may be too strong, especially against the AI. With one of these, a player with an
Anubis, a lot of Quintessences, or burrow-able creatures (the unupped version also, to an extent) could stop an AI from using
targeted CC spells on any creature, due to the predictable nature of the AI, by immortalizing the highest priority creature. Taking the unupped formula and adding
Pandemonium, which is 3|5

(giving a +3 value to desirable limiting of a one-time effect), we get 3 + 1 + 6 (desirable limiting to repeatable effect) + 2

upkeep (desirable limiting of repeated effect) -2 (upkeep 2) - 1 (upgraded card) for 7

casting cost with upkeep of 2

I really do think that an upkeep would be needed to balance this, due to the advantage it could give, strategically. I might have also underestimated the strength of the unupped version, but the upped one is much stronger, because it doesn't subject the owner to the same issues.