CURATOR COMMENT-Type out the word 'Time' in the Element section of your tables.

means Time quanta, not the
Element, Time. The two are not interchangeable
-Add a

icon after the card's Cost in the Cost section of both tables.
-The 'Type' section of the table is what the card's system mechanic is (i.e. - a
spell, or
permanent). Since this is a permanent, replace the

icon with the word, 'Permanent' (capitalized, of course)
-Please provide a link or source of where you got the card art image from - if it's not available for public use, you may be asked to change it
Loving the card concept, just fix those above issues and you've got this in the Crucible.

remember to resubmit it in the 'Link Crucible Candidates Here!' thread when you're done editing.