ART: | OdinVanguard
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | Flooding mechanics are a very cool water themed mechanic. Unfortunately, taking advantage of them is tricky since currently, Flooding|Innundation is the only way to access them.
Also Flooding effects only occupy the outer edge and extending them inward is infeasible since doing so would allow instant killing of non-water creatures. This presents a conundrum since getting creatures to or away from the edge is tricky because the player has no way to move creatures around the field.
This card should hopefully help with both problems. It generates flooding around on the edge and simultaneously gives a means of moving your creatures around the board.
Gravity was chosen as the element for the ability due to its significant impact on tidal patterns.
For the flooding effect adjoining refers to any slot touching the slot this creature occupies (including that slot itself). Examples: X = slot occupied by loa, F = unflooded, O = open slot
ex1 O O O F F O O O O O O X O O O O O O F F O O O
ex2 O O F X F O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
ex3 O F F O O O O O F X O O O O O O F F O O O O O
Note that only the edge slots are affected (i.e. if flooding wouldn't normally flood a slot, neither will this cards effect). This will prevent abuse as an instant kill mechanism
The edge slots will remain flooded until the Spirit moves or is killed, and will recede the following turn.
This creature cannot be moved to a slot occupied by an enemy creature (to prevent insty kill abuse). Although it can be moved to the enemy field to clog their free summon spots during a flood.