well the atk. of the unupped is 2 and the Hp is 12 so thats +2 and +3 respectively, = 5 which is the cost of the card so resets value would be 0,
and the upped is 3|4 which is +3|+0 so gravity pull is adding +5 to the cost.
well resets value could be higher.
For upped: 3 | 4 --> +3 | +0; ability cost, since it's like mutate and infect, a CC on a stick, if you will, +2, but -1 since it's from

and not

I think Reset should be likened to Immortal, they seem to be essentially the same?, and so the price is:
[ 4 + ( 1 + [ 5 / 2 ] ) ] = 8

**my understanding of the immortal formula is a tad foggy though; I don't know what the first number in the Variable formula is?
For unupped: 2 | 12 --> +2 | +3
and so the price is:
[ 5 + ( 1 + [ 5 / 2 ] ) ] = 9

I'm not to sure if I like the unupped to be more expensive than the upped; if the unupped's attack is dropped to 1 or 0, the new price, with the Immortal formula, would be 7

or 6

, respectively.
Thoth is the Egyptian God of wisdom. Wisdom has nothing to do with gravity pull.
And yes, I took that into consideration: I believe wisdom is needed to figure the inner workings of gravity and apply that wisdom to battle techniques. Though if that doesn't satisfy, Thoth was also the god of magic and mysticism.