| |
NAME: | Thanatos
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 7 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 9|4
| TEXT: | Gets -2/-0 for every other creature you control. Generate a skeleton at end of your turn.
Backstab:Sacrifice a creature. Thanatos takes one damage.
| NAME: | Thanatos
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 7 
| TYPE: | Creature
| ATK|HP: | 12|5
| TEXT: | Gets -2/-0 for every other creature you control. Generate an elite skeleton at end of your turn.
Backstab:Sacrifice a creature. Thanatos takes 1 damage.
I wanted to gauge the community's feeling on the card before I went through and made the actual card images. Best cost/damage for balance is up for debate.
Couple notes on the cards functionality. Even when you have too many creatures on the field it still acts as a skeleton generator. It's also good as a drop if your opponent clears the field.
One thing I thought about to strengthen it would be to increase it's hp to something like 10 and make the backstab cause double infection. Or the infect penalty for Backstab could be removed.
Edit: changed stats and penalty from 15/4 and 20/4 with a -5 penalty.
Edit: Lowered the penalty to -2.
Right now, the card could basically go 2 directions:
1) A skeleton factory and sacrifice outlet. This is more or less what it is right now. This version could also lose the sacrifice damage. This is personally what I favor.
2) A solo bomb. Here the stats are raised to something really high, like 15/4 | 20/4, the penalty raised to -3, and the cost raised to 10. This makes it a very heavy hitter, but one that requires an empty field and has a limited lifetime.
Well, I'm going with version 1 right now.
Let me know what you think!