There is a small gameplay difference in that case - with Version 1 (Mine) you could lessen costs of different target cards each turn by 1 and spread out quantum management. With Version 2 (Mormegil's), you aren't able to spread the cost lowering over the cards in your hand - you have to play a card before you can reduce another card's cost.
Is Version 1 too strong for being able to spread out the lowering of cost rather than piling it on 1 card?
In order to reduce the cost of different cards (without playing them) by 1 each turn, you need to spend 2

every turn.
That would be useful in cases such as decks with a lot of low-cost CC/PC cards of elements you cannot play, so that the cost reduction is spread and you can play your entire deck by the time you need that. But I don't feel like this is that much of an issue.
The alternate version I proposed is thought to avoid card-targeting in case it is significantly difficult to program. It doesn't change the card too much, I think, but I admit it does change a bit.
Anyway, I approve of this card. This produces a crapload of new decks all by itself.