Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 26, 2012, 01:56:44 pm

Title: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 26, 2012, 01:56:44 pm
4 :life

The target creature can use its ability twice a turn for 2 turns. Afterward, it cannot use its ability the next 2 turns.
3 :life

The target creature can use its ability twice a turn for 2 turns. Afterward, it cannot use its ability the next 2 turns.

This, free to use (http://capl.washjeff.edu/browseresults.php?langID=2&photoID=4296&size=l)
This is based of the concept of a sugar rush and a sugar crash.

Don't know what element this really fits. Maybe life because of glucose?

This does not stack.

Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: TheAccuso on November 26, 2012, 04:47:39 pm
After the bacon we got the sugar :/
Nonplusultra instosis incoming.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: OdinVanguard on November 26, 2012, 07:30:46 pm
After the bacon we got the sugar :/
Nonplusultra instosis incoming.
Depending on implementation instosis may not be possible.
If the wording were tweaked to:
"Target creature can use its skill twice a turn for the next 3 turns. Afterward, it cannot use its skill the next 3 turns."

That would imply the effect would not start until next turn, preventing it from being used to circumvent the 1 round delay for skill use.
This would also help make it a little more distinct from SoR.

Even as is it is now, however, this card would expand the range of creatures instosis could be used. Players would still need to use SoR to make it work right since it does nothing to lower skill costs. This would mean increasing the number of cards required to make the combo work.

I do like the card, but I think skill use delay still needs to be respected to prevent abuse. Also 3 and 3 seems a bit much (6 turns total duration) since the average high end games only last about 8-10 rounds... 2 and 2 may be a little better. It also helps with balance a bit since delay effects would be a more effective counter.

By the way, will multiple uses stack? If so then it should definitely be reduced to 2 and 2.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 26, 2012, 10:45:06 pm
I see what you mean and appreciate the insight. I will make it 2 turns.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 28, 2012, 01:30:11 am
New art, and does not stack (potential abuse)
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: OdinVanguard on November 28, 2012, 01:35:37 am
Sugar and adrenaline... Sounds like an energy drink :D

Green Bull! It gives you WINGS!... lol

speaking of wings... the dive combo could be scary... (4x attack -ouch)
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: AvusXIV on November 28, 2012, 02:09:58 am
I don't like these cards very much. They are complicated but do not extend the variety of the game imo.

By saying 'complicated' I do not mean *Technical Mathematics on a doctorate level* but with those conditions.

Basically several new card ideas just do the same stuff like already existing cards but contain some more or less complex conditions that allow or prevent certain things to be done. For me *5+5=10 or (5x2+5x2)/2=10* is the same equasion with simple extra stuff that can be cut out easily after a brief look.

In this case we got it SoRed for two turns, then Loboed for two turns.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 28, 2012, 02:26:48 am
Fair enough. I never meant to make an ultra awesome new idea with this, I just planned on giving other options of manipulation of the creatures and game. I know your opinion, but what happens later on with this card will really show how good, or bad, this card is.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: AvusXIV on November 28, 2012, 03:43:47 am
Fair enough. I never meant to make an ultra awesome new idea with this, I just planned on giving other options of manipulation of the creatures and game. I know your opinion, but what happens later on with this card will really show how good, or bad, this card is.

I didn't want to sound harsh or something. If so, I'm sorry.

My questions, for example for this card, are like: 'Why 2/2 turns and not 3/3 or 1/2 or 2/1?' 'Why isn't the price for the skills after the double-use-period just doubled?' 'Why are the skills not usable thrice but just for one turn?' 'Why sugar and not salt?'

Maybe I just lack of a *personal* approach, the card and it's idea only seems exchangeable and *soulless* to me.

Nevertheless the function of the card could add some interesting situations and opportunities to the game, no doubt.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on November 28, 2012, 04:01:43 am
I didn't want to sound harsh or something. If so, I'm sorry.
I did not feel that you sounded rash, sorry if I did though in response. I appreciate the bluntness of your statements, it makes for better potential improvements of the card. Besides, why submit a card everyone hates?
My questions, for example for this card, are like: 'Why 2/2 turns and not 3/3 or 1/2 or 2/1?'
It is 2 turns instead 3 turns because with how quick paced the game can be, 3 turns can be half, or more than half of the battle. To have the ability to Lobo someone 6 times or puke out 6 Fireflies in 3 turns is a bit more troubling than 4 for 2.

Instead of having it at 1/2 or 2/1, I prefer to keep it balanced. (4 ability uses over 4 turns as opposed to 2 over 3 or 4 over 2)
'Why isn't the price for the skills after the double-use-period just doubled?'
Because as some people experience, after a sugar rush comes a sugar crash. The inability to do something represents the crash.
'Why are the skills not usable thrice but just for one turn?'
Twice is much more reasonable and less OP than thrice. (Imagine a Chaos Powered Pegasus diving 3 times.)
'Why sugar and not salt?'
Can't have a sugar rush/crash without the sugar! :D
Maybe I just lack of a *personal* approach, the card and it's idea only seems exchangeable and *soulless* to me.
A lack of personal approach is good with card critique. What do you mean by soulless? =p
Nevertheless the function of the card could add some interesting situations and opportunities to the game, no doubt.
That is what I intend.
Title: Re: Sugar | Sugar
Post by: AvusXIV on November 28, 2012, 06:48:17 am
Now I got it...the effect that sugar has on the body...another situation where it gets totally obvious that this is not my mother tongue ;D

Takes the wind out of my sails ^^ The card makes a lot more sense to me now, respectively my strong critics about 'soulless'.
blarg: whatifidogetcaught?