(http://i.imgur.com/QLuIx.png) | (http://i.imgur.com/2OiCW.png) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the bacon we got the sugar :/Depending on implementation instosis may not be possible.
Nonplusultra instosis incoming.
Fair enough. I never meant to make an ultra awesome new idea with this, I just planned on giving other options of manipulation of the creatures and game. I know your opinion, but what happens later on with this card will really show how good, or bad, this card is.
I didn't want to sound harsh or something. If so, I'm sorry.I did not feel that you sounded rash, sorry if I did though in response. I appreciate the bluntness of your statements, it makes for better potential improvements of the card. Besides, why submit a card everyone hates?
My questions, for example for this card, are like: 'Why 2/2 turns and not 3/3 or 1/2 or 2/1?'It is 2 turns instead 3 turns because with how quick paced the game can be, 3 turns can be half, or more than half of the battle. To have the ability to Lobo someone 6 times or puke out 6 Fireflies in 3 turns is a bit more troubling than 4 for 2.
'Why isn't the price for the skills after the double-use-period just doubled?'Because as some people experience, after a sugar rush comes a sugar crash. The inability to do something represents the crash.
'Why are the skills not usable thrice but just for one turn?'Twice is much more reasonable and less OP than thrice. (Imagine a Chaos Powered Pegasus diving 3 times.)
'Why sugar and not salt?'Can't have a sugar rush/crash without the sugar! :D
Maybe I just lack of a *personal* approach, the card and it's idea only seems exchangeable and *soulless* to me.A lack of personal approach is good with card critique. What do you mean by soulless? =p
Nevertheless the function of the card could add some interesting situations and opportunities to the game, no doubt.That is what I intend.