Ah upped Stolas. My most ambitious, creative, popular, and controversial idea. If I had just made it 3

I would have a whole lot less trouble.

Let me explain why I made it other.

is about 2

which is 2

. Going from 4

to 2

in an upgrade acceptable.
Like flying weapon, Stolas can be splashed into other decks allowing for much more flexibility.
Air is the element of fluidity, so it should be able to be used in many decks.
Airborne is not just restricted to air, so the benefits of airborne shouldn't be restricted to air.
One of the many arguments I hear against an other cost is "rainbows will abuse it!" Okay, prove that to me. Make me a rainbow deck that makes use of Stolas to prove it's broken. You're going to be sacrificing precious card space to pack these in, and they only will be that useful if your entire deck is airborne. If you manage to make an airborne rainbow, be sure to let me know. I've wanted to make an airborne rainbow for some time, but lava golems and graboids don't fly. Why should a rainbow waste precious card space on Stolas? Why not pack a 1

PA? Or a lava golem? Or an archangel? So what if your entire deck is airborne based (slower rainbow), the only benefit you will get is your entire field's permanents being protected, a moot point if you've been outrushed.
As for trollinator's comment, I think all of you are forgetting how long Stolas (and FFQ) take to set up. And even then, a single RoF goes through trollinator's entire strategy (SoFre doesn't stop AoE)