the version upgrad, I'm sure is out of balance,
Our resident aged perennial woody plant has reasoned it is not too unbalanced or anything. I'd like to hear your ideas why it is unbalanced, any deck examples involving this that are OP, and any feedback/suggestions you have to make it not out of balance then.
I generally use immolation to put dragons, now I can put 2 + of these creatures in one turn.
19 damage and more protection.
You did not give any specific decks so I have no idea how to really reply. One immolation cannot put out a fire dragon, even a cremation can't. You'd need fire pillars or towers as support, and even then, the very earliest you'd get out a dragon would be second or third turn. You can get out two Stolas? Great! You do 4 extra damage each turn at the expense of 8

! You also get protection! Woo! Your fire pillars (or fog shield or arsenic/stilleto) are protected, how nice! (That is, if you can fit them into an immo deck that uses fire towers as support. If you go the pure immo/crema way with no towers, your dragons come out slower and your whole deck is less stable). Completely disregard the fact that you could have easily packed cheaper PAs or SoBe or SoFre for more damage potential. You have not proved Stolas is OP.