A Lot of people seems confused, to explain this card a bit
Consder 1) you are at 50hp, have 1 stardust, 2 holy flash, 2 SoG
For simplicity, enemy's turn is not listed
S | M | E | C | P | S | M | E | C | P | S |
Start turn1 | @50hp, play holy flash 60hp, play stardust, 40hp | End the turn (press space bar), @40hp | Creature atk @40hp | Permenants (weapon atks, but SoG dont heal) @40hp | Start turn2 | @40hp, play holy flash (no effect) | End the turn @40hp | Creatures atk @40hp | Permenant, 2SoG Heals, @50hp | Start turn 3 @?hp (after enemy hit you) |
| | X | X | X | X | X | X | | | |
X Indicated the time in line where you cant heal
If you play two stardust it means you wont be healed until the end of the last stardust. By this sense, your enemy have more time to destoy your sog
If this idea of end of turn is confusing, i will add (click DONE) after end of turn in the card description
1 more thing, poison damage is also neglected, but the counter stays, and can be added on, just the damage is 0