P.S. i like the second border more
For those of you who like the second border, thanks. Maybe if Zanz likes it it can be implemented, but I'm keeping the card border normal so the curators don't get all fussy.
Here is my calculation of my own card:
Creature Cost = Attack + HP + Ability Threat + Bonuses
Attack : + 4
HP: +1 (6-7)
Ability Threat : + 3 (SoD on stick although you do take damage.), -1 for expensive ability, Final Value +2
Bonuses?: +1-3 due to being Other.
Final Cost : 9 - 12
If Alternate Theory for Other is applied: 3x quanta cost
Final cost : 27
Attack : + 4
HP: +2 (8-10)
Ability Threat : + 4 (less damage),-1 for expensive ability, Final Value +3
Bonuses?: +1-3 due to being Other, but -2 due to upgrade, Final Value +0-1
Final Cost : 9 - 11
Final Cost: 8-11
If Alternate Theory for Other is applied: 3x quanta cost
Final cost : 24
I may reduce the stats to 1 | 4 / 1 | 6 and make the ability cost 4. With changes:
Attack : + 1
HP: +0 (1-5)
Ability Threat : + 3 (SoD on stick although you do take damage.), -1 for expensive ability, Final Value +2
Bonuses?: +1-3 due to being Other. I will add +3.
Final Cost : 6
If Alternate Theory for Other is applied: 3x quanta cost
Final cost : 9
Attack : + 1
HP: +1 (6-7)
Ability Threat : + 4 (Less damage.) -1 for expensive ability, Final Value +3
Bonuses?: +1-3 due to being Other. I will add +3, however -2 for upgrade.
Final Cost : 6
If Alternate Theory for Other is applied: 3x quanta cost
Final cost : 9
Cost will be 9 due to Oldtrees's theory.
Thanks for the help guys!