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Elements the Game => Level 1 - Crucible => Card Ideas and Art => Crucible Archive => Topic started by: Zawadx on January 29, 2014, 09:09:31 am

Title: Spelljammer Shield | Spelljammer Shield
Post by: Zawadx on January 29, 2014, 09:09:31 am
Spelljammer Shield
4 :aether

Shield: physical and spell damage reduced by N;  N starts at 0 and increases when opponent casts a spell.
Spelljammer Shield
5 :aether

Shield: physical and spell damage reduced by N;  N starts at 1 and increases when opponent casts a spell.

by victor2008 (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1182568)
Similar to Hope, but reduces damage by 1 for each spell cast by your opponent after this shield is played.

Here 'spell' means a spell card played directly from the hand, or the attack of a spell-damage dealing creature. Note that abilities do not count as spells.

Title: Re: Spelljammer Shield | Spelljammer Shield
Post by: Keolino on January 29, 2014, 09:33:10 am
This card destroys certain decks nearly completely.

But hey, please make it reduce spell damage (from psion, and shard of wisdom) as well. Would make the card more viable, and a good counter against those shard of wisdom. Would also fit in the aether element thematically and is a fitting choice for that other effect:

Here 'spell' means a spell card played directly from the hand, or the attack of a spell-damage dealing creature. Note that abilities do not count as spells.

Also, if it wouldn't reduce spell damage, that affect would be pretty useless. (And thinking of aether dragon with 14 spell damage, even if it is reduced by 1 every attack, it's still strong...)
Title: Re: Spelljammer Shield | Spelljammer Shield
Post by: Calambar on January 29, 2014, 10:12:55 am
I agree with Keolino :) I vote for adding spell damage :)
Title: Re: Spelljammer Shield | Spelljammer Shield
Post by: Zawadx on January 29, 2014, 03:08:27 pm
This card destroys certain decks nearly completely.

But hey, please make it reduce spell damage (from psion, and shard of wisdom) as well. Would make the card more viable, and a good counter against those shard of wisdom. Would also fit in the aether element thematically and is a fitting choice for that other effect:

Here 'spell' means a spell card played directly from the hand, or the attack of a spell-damage dealing creature. Note that abilities do not count as spells.

Also, if it wouldn't reduce spell damage, that affect would be pretty useless. (And thinking of aether dragon with 14 spell damage, even if it is reduced by 1 every attack, it's still strong...)
I agree with Keolino :) I vote for adding spell damage :)

Maybe some examples?(cause I didn't have any deck in mind when making this, and was curious)

Originally this lobotomized a random enemy creature per turn, so that balanced that other ability. Though reducing spell damage is also good. Updating.
Title: Re: Spelljammer Shield | Spelljammer Shield
Post by: Keolino on January 29, 2014, 09:01:13 pm
Maybe some examples?(cause I didn't have any deck in mind when making this, and was curious)

Decks which would be pretty screwed? I recognized by now that you would need to pair it with protect artifact to actually make it like that. Just think of Cremation-Shard of Bravery decks, Ghostmare decks (witch use nightmare, reverse time, and steal as spells) and probably Supernova-based speedbows (because they have many "weak" creatures with attack of about 5 and some spells (Supernovas, sometimes SoSe), also, Sosac and SoD are also spell cards (wouldn't hurt poison dials, but there are others witch use those cards)