No further comments? I notice it still has 3 votes, and while that beats my previous record of two, i notice that other cards are getting more votes, and i'm wondering what i can do to increase the popularity of this card. Thanks.
Well the first thing I look at is the necessity of the game to have this card. CC could stand to be distributed to more colors but light has never felt incomplete without it, the simply need a way for their only CC(holy light) to be usable in more situations. My second and biggest problem with your card is the fact the effects seem quite random.
1. 3 damage. Relatively weak damage that would be balanced if cost or other effects are strong enough. Straight damage does not quite fit the light theme.
2. If killed turns into a photon. If used against enemy why would you ever want them to generate photons? If used on yourself, understand that very few light creatures have 3 or less hp and even if used in a splash to gain photons, thats a lot of power and deckslots to achieve what normal photons can give and most notably, lucifrin. This leads me to think that the only thing it has over lucifren is the fact that it deals damage but such low damage and giving enemy photons makes me think that it should have a re-haul sadly. If any death causes a photon to be generated on your side I see more value but it still seems weak and situational.
3. 1 light generation. Sorry but even though this is the only thing that really seems to fit the light theme, is incredibly out of place here. One card having 3 effects is a little overkill in my mind, simple can be graceful.
Trying to be constructive as possible but my biggest warning to you in creating cards is that generally you need to create a new and well thought out mechanic for a card idea to become popular. Your card is simply a combination of 3 existing mechanics.